Eat Happy, Be Happy

Mediterranean Sauce

Mediterranean Sauce
Can’t wait to show you this universal and easy to prepare sauce recipe. Ideal for fish and other seafood, baked or grilled. I have the recipe from my friends at Kiosko Universal in Barcelona’s central market, which we accidentally stumbled upon while roaming the streets in hunger mode one afternoon. The restaurant is more than 40 years old, passed from father to son. If you are in town do not be discouraged by the line, wait times could top 30 minutes, the food is incredible. Anyway, back to our featured recipe…
Prep time
Cook time
Total time


  • 60 ml olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 7-8 sprigs (stems) of fresh parsley
  • Pinch of salt & pepper
Baked Salmon


  1. Wash the parsley and remove the stems, you are after the leafs.
  2. Using mortar and pestle crush the garlic and sugar together.
  3. Cut the parsley leafs as fine as you can.
  4. In a properly sized bowl mix together the parsley, garlic & salt, olive oil. Squeeze the lemon juice into the mix.
  5. Manually or with the help of a food processor mix well until the mixture is even.
  6. Enjoy!
Tasty Mediterranean Fish Sauce Garlic Olive Oil

Tips & Tricks

Although this is a great sauce for sea food, it pairs well with green salads as well. Can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.